

diving back into the oh-so-fun world of portfolio updating, i'm starting to put together the research portion of the Assisted Mobility Device project. i'm not allowed to show the design, but this doesn't really give anything away. Its still a work in progress. I'm starting dig it, but it needs to be CLEANER!



my sketches today didn't get a chance to be scanned so I'm dusting off some old des. comm. gems for this post. besides, whats more fun that a microwave....oh yeah, everything


20th POST!

Not exactly a milestone, but I'll take it. Here are some headphones and a chair:


office chair?

Not much time to sketch lately. The next one'll be in perspective



The faucets of the future come with spaceships!


watering plants

in honor of our weekly co-op duty to water the plants:


portfolio ughhh

more cover attempts. trying to be more simple and color based:


still trying to figure out a quick rendering technique in photoshop. my colors need to POP more!



trying out some rendering techniques in photoshop. i think i like the second one. the first is a bit sloppy, but lunchtime is up. next time, i won't do so much hatching on the initial sketch. got some great advice from Mark about how I should start using a crisp line to define at least one of my shadow edges, and to also add some darker lines on the outside. cooooooooooooool



I need to choose a direction for my portfolio quick, so that I can actually start working on it. I've decided to give it a 50's vibe. The graphic design from that time period is so sleek and minimal. This is my first attempt at a cover along those lines. It needs to be simplified ALOT. Also, the shapes need to be cleaned up big time. Right now, its pretty blunt that this is taking from the 50's. I think it needs to be much more subtle. This is basically a rough draft. I'm not really getting it yet, but at least I'm actually enjoying it now:

laundry continued

Sketches from my second visit to the luxurious local laundromat:


laundry can be inspiring

I did laundry a few weeks ago and did some sketching/ Seinfeld watching while my clothes were being washed. Hopefully my trip to the Laundromat will be just as inspiring this time (doubtful).



Some animals to mix it up, and some vacuum cleaner stuff:

Won't be able to scan anything this weekend, but hopefully Monday I'll be able to include some fantastically nerdy roller coaster sketches from Kings Island.


more shoes

I learned today that shoes are much easier to draw in side-view format. The perspective was killing me and I had to look around for a lot of reference images. Here are a few that seem to make a bit of sense:

and so it begins

I've started to re-do my portfolio with the intent of making every page count. This isn't the final cover, but I think its the final direction. Still not sure about the image on the page. I struggle a lot with the graphic elements of my portfolio, so this could take a while and might take the place of some sketching

Here's the original:


Oh no, shoes!

I never really thought I'd like drawing shoes so I never really made an attempt, but today, Mark inspired me to give it a try. I'm scared by how much fun I had..... It needs some color though


washing machines

More lunchtime doodles....
I'm going to start trying to incorporate at least a little bit of color in all of my sketches. Also, I might try to do one entirely with my Wacom if I get the time tonight


weekend sketches

Some irons and a slap-chop: